‘Oh … I’ve even done the homework,’ she said.

Happy New Year.
What a busy start to the New Year!
Have just managed to sort out a time for the second session of the Maths for Parents course I am running. The aim of the course, which is spread over 4 sessions, is to help parents help their children with maths. It takes in a bigger picture than just how to recognise methods used in schools. Among other things, we look at ways to build a child’s confidence and also, how to decode school reports!

I really enjoy doing the course with parents – to see their confidence grow. It is great that we can chat openly and honestly about the things parents find difficult when they are trying to help their child with maths.
Finding a time for everyone to fit in this missed session has proved tricky though. I was delighted when I heard how disappointed Nicky was that we had to cancel the session before Christmas due to the adverse weather. Shows she must be enjoying it too! ‘Oh … I’ve even done the homework,’ she said.

